
Articles Posted in Medicaid & Medicare


Do You Know You Can Save Thousands with the Medicare Savings Program?

If you haven’t heard of the Medicare Savings Program, today may be your lucky day. You could save thousands of dollars a year on medical costs courtesy of the State of Connecticut and Medicaid. The Medicare Savings Program covers out-of-pocket expenses for premiums, deductibles co-pays and subsidizes your prescriptions drug…


Bad News for Potential Recipients of Nursing Home Medicare Benefits

A federal court ruled that hospitals may retain a patient in their building under “observation status” rather than formally admitting them, and that such “observation status” does not count as a hospital stay for nursing home Medicare qualification purposes. Medicare (not to be confused with Medicaid or Title 19) provides…


Community First Choice Closes the Gaps in Community Based Care

  Until recently, there was a Catch 22 when it came to getting care in the community. If you are 65 years of age or older, the Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders is available. But for younger people with complex care needs, the options in Connecticut have been limited.…


3 Things You Should Know About Medicaid

Few crises are more stressful than those related to health and long-term care. Figuring out how to sustainably support necessary home care, medical services, nursing home costs, and other critical expenses can easily become overwhelming. And, the situation is exponentially worse if you’ve waited until you’re in crisis to address…


How My Dad’s Early Discharge From Rehab Taught Me a Lesson

By Brendan Daly As an elder law attorney, I’ve been advocating for my senior clients for twenty years, but I recently discovered that my 78-year-old dad still has a few things to teach me. It was a lesson I maybe should have seen coming. I help many clients navigate the…


How to Stay Out of a Nursing Home (And Get the Care You Need at Home)

“Promise me you won’t ever put me in a nursing home.” Our parents would make us sign in blood if they could. Fear of losing their independence and way of life is a tremendous concern among Connecticut seniors. And, in today’s COVID-19 environment – knowing how the virus can easily…


Medicaid Planning Companies Are Bad News. Here’s What You Need to Know.

There are few planning tasks more daunting than applying for Medicaid. The process is intimidating and can quickly become overwhelming, not merely because it’s complicated but also because it opens up a Pandora’s Box of legally nuanced questions and concerns. This is not a task anyone can afford to botch,…


2 Ways to Prepay Your Funeral Expenses and Qualify for Medicaid Faster

Assets count when it comes to qualifying for Medicaid, but some assets related to your funeral expenses are excluded, and prepaying them is an acceptable way to spend down your assets to qualify for Medicaid, or Title XIX. Specifically, here’s what the State of Connecticut allows: Irrevocable Funeral Trust or…


Will Trust Assets be Considered When Applying for Medicaid?

By Lara Schneider-Bomzer The Connecticut Supreme Court decision, Pikula v. Department of Social Services, established clear guidelines for determining if a trust should be considered a “supplemental needs trust” or a “general support trust.” In general, assets held in a supplemental needs trust are considered unavailable in determining Medicaid eligibility…


Prepaid Funeral Contracts and Medicaid: Good News

You have probably heard the phrase “spend down” – something you could do to reduce your assets which would help to qualify you for Medicaid. A prepaid funeral contract is one of those items that are considered exempt. In other words, its value won’t be counted when the Department of…

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