
Articles Posted in Elder Law


The One Thing You Should Know About Nursing Home Evictions

By Attorney Carmine Perri Going to a nursing home is hard enough, imagine being evicted? Good news. There are laws in place to prevent that from happening. Within a nursing home, just like any other place you call home, you are entitled to certain rights. These rights include not being…


What is the Connecticut MOLST Form?

By Lynda Lee Arnold Maintaining control over medical care can be challenging in the best circumstances, but we face even more layers of complexity when dealing with the physical and emotional challenges of serious, life-limiting illness or advanced progressive frailty. Whether you are concerned about ensuring that your own care…


How to Apply for Medicaid (Hint: You’ll Need Big Binder Clips)

In a recent post we talked about the eligibility requirements for Medicaid and the various Medicaid planning strategies. But how do you actually apply for Medicaid? If your situation is simple – say you have one bank account, never been married, don’t own a home and you live on your…

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