
Articles Posted in Estate Administration


When a Spouse Dies: 1 Reason You Must File With the Probate Court

Your spouse just passed away, and everything your spouse owned had a joint or beneficiary designation. All of your spouse’s assets go to you without having to go through probate first. End of story, right?  Not exactly. Did you know that you still have to file paperwork with the probate…


Trusts and the Probate Process: What You Should Know

If you’re confused, or unfamiliar with trusts as part of an estate plan, you’re not alone! Some people need to have a trust, others do not. Then there’s the probate process. Does having a trust impact the probate process? Should you have a trust to avoid the probate process? To…


Tips for Executors: 7 Steps to the Probate Process  

So your duty as executor has kicked in. And the word “probate” keeps popping up. Not sure what probate is? You’re not alone. Most people don’t know much about the probate process in Connecticut unless they’ve had firsthand experience with it, for example, when a family member dies and his…

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