
Articles Posted in Litigation


9 Ways Connecticut Protects Against Conservatorship Abuse

It’s often said that art imitates life. If that’s true of the popular movie, I Care a Lot, life can get pretty scary in the world of conservators and conservatorship. Conservatorship is designed to protect a person who has, for any number of reasons, become incapable of managing his or…


Understanding the Differences Between Guardianships and Conservatorships

It’s not surprising that people are often confused by the terms “guardianship” and “conservatorship.” Usage of these terms varies from state to state, and multiple levels can apply in either case. We hope this quick overview will help set the record straight about when and how these terms apply according…


What is a Conservatorship?

    When you are putting your estate plan together, one of the advance directives you will want to  create is a Designation of Conservator.  It is probably something you haven’t thought about, or maybe even knew it existed! But it is really important. What is this Designation of Conservator? …


Challenging a Will in Connecticut – What You Need to Know

Contrary to popular belief, a Will or Last Will and Testament, isn’t always written in stone. Quite frequently, disputes arise over the contents of a Will and the parties who are at odds must seek outside help to resolve the issues. Because there are often conflicts of interest around such…


Estate Planning and Disgruntled Heirs: Ways to Avoid the Fight

By Carmine Perri Because of my practice area, probate and elder law litigation, I oftentimes find myself in either the courtroom or the hallway with a client fielding this all too common question: “What could we have done to avoid all of this?” You probably have an estate plan which…


Inheritance: The #1 Cause of Adult Sibling Rivalry

This is the first in a two-part series about the realities of and remedies for sibling rivalry over family inheritance. The 2nd part in the series “How to Keep the Kids from Fighting Over Their Inheritance” provides tips on how to avoid these kinds of conflicts. “Mom always liked you best,”…

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