
Articles Posted in Resources for Seniors and Caregivers


Finding Employment After 50: 10 Tips to Get the Job You Want

Landing a new job is a daunting task when you’re in your 50s or 60s. The prospect of transitioning to a new company or perhaps rejoining the workforce after some time away can feel like having to reinvent yourself from the ground up. It doesn’t help that, despite the passage…


Are You Ready to Become Your Parent’s Primary Caregiver?

All major life transitions require preparation and adaptation. Graduation, moving into your first apartment, landing your first job, getting married, having kids, changing careers, retiring — each of these life events typically comes with a lot of planning. Becoming a caregiver for an aging parent, however, is an event that…


How to Qualify for 100 Days of Medicare Coverage

While Medicare does not pay for long-term care, it will cover up to 100 days of care in a skilled nursing facility (SNF). There are, however, some fairly stringent and somewhat confusing qualifications patients must meet before Medicare will extend this benefit. Unfortunately, because there is some nuance to the…


Older Americans Act Continues to Protect Older Adults

The Older Americans Act (OAA) originally passed in 1965, the same year Medicare and Medicaid were added to the Social Security Act. It was a banner year for older Americans, establishing funding for needed medical care and social services. The OAA has evolved over its 50-year history, and each successive…


3 Key Steps to Take Before Hiring an In-Home Caregiver

Many a well-intentioned family member has taken on the responsibility of caring for an aging parent only to realize that they’ve committed to more than they can handle on their own. And many more people will need to step into a caregiver role in the coming years. The U.S. Census…


What to Do When Your Parent Is a Hoarder

Some people joke about hoarders, but those people haven’t lived with the pain, frustration, and very real physical dangers caused by this mental illness. While hoarding usually presents when a person is still a child, it is a disorder that—like dementia—becomes more prevalent and severe with age. It is an…


Pay Caregivers What They’re Worth: It’s Long Overdue

There is a compassionate and hard-working army of heroes working in our midst, and they are not being fairly compensated for the critical work that they do. We’re talking about home care workers. These people—mainly women, many of whom are immigrants—fill a vital role in helping care for our aging…


Positive Aging: Why It Matters and Where to Start

Aging isn’t easy, but we all have to do it. Contrary to the myth our culture tries to sell us, there is no escaping the march of time and the changes it brings to our bodies, minds, and lives. And these days, understanding how to age well is increasingly important…


5 Ways to Battle the Holiday Blues During COVID

All across the country, the pandemic numbers are trending steeply in the wrong direction. Epidemiologists have long warned of a difficult winter season, and we certainly seem to have arrived on the threshold of that prediction. Sadly, this rise in cases coincides with the winter holidays, traditionally a time for…

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