
Connecticut Estate Planning Attorneys Blog


Positive Aging: Why It Matters and Where to Start

Aging isn’t easy, but we all have to do it. Contrary to the myth our culture tries to sell us, there is no escaping the march of time and the changes it brings to our bodies, minds, and lives. And these days, understanding how to age well is increasingly important…


Is Your Estate Plan Ready for the New Year? Reasons Why You May Need to Update It

Yes, 2020 was a year unlike any other. So many challenges. So much negativity. But if we slow down and really think about it, hopefully we can identify some good things learned. Hopefully, we can place a renewed focus on what’s truly important. Preparing for your future is one of…


5 Ways to Battle the Holiday Blues During COVID

All across the country, the pandemic numbers are trending steeply in the wrong direction. Epidemiologists have long warned of a difficult winter season, and we certainly seem to have arrived on the threshold of that prediction. Sadly, this rise in cases coincides with the winter holidays, traditionally a time for…


A Good Reason NOT to Sign a Nursing Home Agreement for a Loved One While You’re at the Nursing Home

The day your loved one enters a nursing facility is not a great day. Aside from your own emotional strain you will try valiantly to let your loved one know that you will stay close and advocate for his or her needs. And then there’s the paperwork. Lots of it.…

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