
Connecticut Estate Planning Attorneys Blog


COVID Unit Doctor: “One Vital Step I Wish Everyone Should Take”

The Importance of Advance Healthcare Directives in a Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has not only brought the world to a standstill. It has brought us face to face with our own mortality. The news headlines are filled with daily stories about the tragic loss of life and those stories make…


Why Can’t My Parents Just Stay Home?

By Jill Brightman In the time before Coronavirus and Covid-19 became the common phrases in our lexicon, life was already a bit hectic and at times, overwhelming.  Anyone, like me, who is a card-carrying member of the “Sandwich Generation” knows the challenges of balancing responsibilities to your spouse and children…


Challenging a Will in Connecticut – What You Need to Know

Contrary to popular belief, a Will or Last Will and Testament, isn’t always written in stone. Quite frequently, disputes arise over the contents of a Will and the parties who are at odds must seek outside help to resolve the issues. Because there are often conflicts of interest around such…


Together Apart — How Our Team Is Keeping It Together Even While We’re All Working from Home

Like so many others, our team has spent the last few weeks acclimating to the new reality of working from home. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, everyone on our staff began telecommuting in mid March. The experience has been different for each of us, but we’re happy to report…

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