
Connecticut Estate Planning Attorneys Blog


Inheritance: The #1 Cause of Adult Sibling Rivalry

This is the first in a two-part series about the realities of and remedies for sibling rivalry over family inheritance. The 2nd part in the series “How to Keep the Kids from Fighting Over Their Inheritance” provides tips on how to avoid these kinds of conflicts. “Mom always liked you best,”…


Long-Term Care Facilities: Are You Being Treated Right?

By Carmine Perri “Can they do that?” “I don’t think that’s appropriate.” “Can we do something about it?” For some time now, I have been receiving calls from residents in long-term care facilities, and their family members, asking these types of questions.  Ultimately, interested parties want to know if there…


Create Your Last Will and Testament: Your Child with Special Needs Deserves It

Are you a Connecticut resident without a Last Will and Testament?  More specifically, are you a parent of a child with special needs and you don’t have a Will? There are some facts you need to know…and they may surprise you. Implications for parents of children with special needs Most…


Social Security Survivor Benefits: Do You Know What They Are?

What happens to your spouse’s Social Security benefits if they die? Are you entitled to them as the surviving spouse? In general, yes. If your spouse who has passed had paid into Social Security long enough, you may be eligible to collect their benefits. These are known as Survivor Benefits.…


How Probate Court Decides Conservatorship Appointments

Deciding to conserve a loved one is a complex and sometimes painful process. You want the best care and quality of life for the people you love, but it can be daunting to consider the intervention and support of external parties. Because application for conservatorship requires the involvement of the…


Looking Out for Your Grandkids – 4 Estate Planning Steps for New Parents

It may seem odd to ask young parents to think about estate planning, but starting a family is actually the perfect reason to address some really important questions. After all, becoming a parent isn’t just about choosing names and picking out nursery colors. It’s about being wholly responsible for someone…


Medicaid Planning Companies Are Bad News. Here’s What You Need to Know.

There are few planning tasks more daunting than applying for Medicaid. The process is intimidating and can quickly become overwhelming, not merely because it’s complicated but also because it opens up a Pandora’s Box of legally nuanced questions and concerns. This is not a task anyone can afford to botch,…

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