
Connecticut Estate Planning Attorneys Blog


How to Keep the Kids From Fighting Over Their Inheritance

This is the second installment of a two-part series about the realities of and remedies for sibling rivalry over family inheritance. For more about what causes and complicates sibling rivalry, read Inheritance: The #1 Cause of Adult Sibling Rivalry. In part one of this series, we learned just how prevalent…


2 Ways to Prepay Your Funeral Expenses and Qualify for Medicaid Faster

Assets count when it comes to qualifying for Medicaid, but some assets related to your funeral expenses are excluded, and prepaying them is an acceptable way to spend down your assets to qualify for Medicaid, or Title XIX. Specifically, here’s what the State of Connecticut allows: Irrevocable Funeral Trust or…


How to Avoid Probate and Make Sure Your Kids Get What You Leave Them

Imagine this… After your death, your daughter is having serious financial struggles and the money you’ve bequeathed to her would pull her out of financial misery. It would help her to pay your funeral and other outstanding expenses. But, because by law your estate must pass through probate, it will…


How Therapy Pets Can Bring Joy, Comfort and Independence

The connection between humans and dogs is one that hearkens back to ancient and even prehistoric times. Archaeological evidence of canine domestication dates back some 15,000 years, and some experts believe our interspecies love affair may stretch as far back as 30,000 years ago. While there is still some debate…


Will Trust Assets be Considered When Applying for Medicaid?

By Lara Schneider-Bomzer The Connecticut Supreme Court decision, Pikula v. Department of Social Services, established clear guidelines for determining if a trust should be considered a “supplemental needs trust” or a “general support trust.” In general, assets held in a supplemental needs trust are considered unavailable in determining Medicaid eligibility…


10 Signs of Alzheimer’s

When we get to a certain age, we sometimes experience what is jokingly referred to as a “senior moment.” We forget a name, miss an appointment or overlook a bill. But if forgetfulness or confusion starts to seriously interfere with daily life, it’s time seek medical help. The symptoms could…

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