Articles Posted in Litigation

woman confused and uncertain about solving a problemModern law offers a variety of ways for individuals to manage, distribute, and protect their property, whether it be for their own benefit or for that of a loved one.  A well-known, and yet seemingly complex, mechanism for doing so is a trust. 

But what does this mean for you, the beneficiary? 

Do you think you are a beneficiary of a trust but have never been contacted by the trustee?  

eviction notice next to a calculator and glassesBy Attorney Carmine Perri

Going to a nursing home is hard enough, imagine being evicted?

Good news. There are laws in place to prevent that from happening.

Within a nursing home, just like any other place you call home, you are entitled to certain rights. These rights include not being able to be evicted for any reason beyond the six listed in the United States’ Code:

(1) The discharge is necessary for the resident’s welfare and his or her needs cannot be met in the facility.

(2) The resident’s health has improved and no longer needs the facility’s services.

(3) The resident is endangering the safety of others.

(4) The resident is endangering the health of others.

(5) The resident has failed to pay for (or to have paid under Medicare or Medicaid) a stay at the facility.

(6) The facility ceases to operate.

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