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AdobeStock_116263415-300x200On Thursday, January 21, Governor Ned Lamont gave an update on how the state is faring in the battle against COVID-19.

While the numbers are less than desirable, there is some hope on the horizon as the state continues to roll out vaccinations. As of January 21, there had been 226,930 first doses administered and 31,337 second doses administered.

Phase 1b

By Jill Brightman

In the time before Coronavirus and Covid-19 became the common phrases in our lexicon, life was already a bit hectic and at times, overwhelming.  Anyone, like me, who is a card-carrying member of the “Sandwich Generation” knows the challenges of balancing responsibilities to your spouse and children (and their own busy schedules), to your employer, and to your aging parents. Juggling all of these balls in the air is tough, but something I was learning to manage and adapt to.

But, just when I thought I had some of this stuff figured out, the world was turned upside-down, blanketed by a vicious pandemic and everything that was normal before is anything but normal now.

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