1393063860hda4qMore than 8,000 older adults (age 65+) were killed and more than 250,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes in 2019.

This amounts to more than 20 older adults killed and almost 700 injured in crashes on average every day.

These harrowing statistics were published by The Centers for Disease Control.

Dreading the conversation? Not having it can have deadly consequences.

It’s one of the hardest conversations we have with aging parents who may be in denial about their poor eyesight, slower reflexes or diminished capacity. Continue reading

chinese-cup-965011-mBy Carmine Perri

When it comes to litigation over one’s estate, very little, if anything, is more contentious than the dispute over a loved one’s personal property.

Oftentimes, it is not the monetary value but rather the sentimental value that fuels this contention.

When thinking about this issue, I refer you not to our General Statutes, our case-law, or even relevant treatise, but rather a song lyric: Continue reading

iStock_$GiftIf you’re coping with a disability, either your own or a family member’s, a little help goes a long way. The little-known PLAN of Connecticut Charitable Trust is available to pay for a wide range of products and services that could significantly improve your quality of life.

The Charitable Trust provides assistance to people of all ages with disabilities, based on financial need. According to the US Department of Labor, individuals with disabilities are three times as likely to live in poverty as any other group regardless of race, age, gender or geography. Continue reading

dollars-1412644-mThe Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability programs are the largest of several Federal programs that provide assistance to people with disabilities. While these two programs are different in many ways, both are administered by the Social Security Administration and only individuals who have a disability and meet medical criteria may qualify for benefits under either program.

SSDI pays benefits to you and certain members of your family if you are “insured,” meaning Continue reading

love-letter-1245973-mIn your estate plan, you leave behind financial wealth and possessions, but the most valuable items you can pass on are those that cannot be measured. That’s why you should consider writing an ethical Will.

What is an ethical Will?

An ethical Will is a great way to reinforce, to those people dearest to you, your values, insights and beliefs. It is a profoundly meaningful piece of writing that captures a part of you, perhaps your very essence, that won’t be found in any formal estate plan.

An ethical Will is not a legal document; you don’t need an elder law attorney to help you draft one. In fact it’s about as official as an envelope you might use to scribble your grocery list. It’s simply your opportunity to leave a spiritual legacy to your family.

You could think of it as a love letter to those you hold close. Continue reading

family-tree-252x300While shows like TLC’s Who Do You Think You Are? and PBS’ Finding Your Roots have definitely contributed to the popularity of researching our ancestry, people have always been curious about their family heritage. It’s human nature to want to know where we come from and who we come from.

As it turns out, exploring genealogy makes an excellent hobby, especially for older adults. It’s something that’s accessible to anyone with an internet connection. It can be enjoyed from the comfort of home. And it offers many other social and emotional benefits:

Sense of Purpose

home-sign-300x200“Promise me you won’t ever put me in a nursing home.” Our parents would make us sign in blood if they could.

Fear of losing their independence and way of life is a tremendous concern among Connecticut seniors. And, in today’s COVID-19 environment – knowing how the virus can easily spread throughout a nursing home and to its vulnerable population – staying at home is a preferable option for many.

But if you’re like so many Connecticut residents, you may not know that there is Medicaid coverage for receiving care at home – that Medicaid benefits are not just for nursing home residents. This is great news!

mercuryBy Carmine Perri

Recently, I came across an email that listed 45 synonyms for “old” and “old fashioned.”

In reviewing the 45 word list, I got to thinking more about the consequences of the meaning of each of these words.

As an example, what jumps to mind when I write the word vintage?  Maybe that classic car?  Maybe that high quality wine?

Certainly something that is excellent, enduring, and classical. Continue reading

iStock_000013872578SmallServing as trustee for a special needs trust demands time and skill. Time to work with professionals who provide counsel, and time to make critical decisions that could impact a beneficiary’s quality of life and financial security.

So what’s involved and who should you choose as trustee? Continue reading

life-support-plus-300x193Under the most ideal of circumstances, discussions about end-of-life care decisions are difficult, uncomfortable and often thought of as a talk better suited for a later time. But as unsettling as it is, if now is not the time to have a plan in place about your health care wishes, then when is?

No one ever wants to think about the possibility of being incapacitated or in a terminal state.  But if that were to happen, would your loved ones know what your wishes are?  Would they know where you stand on being kept alive artificially?

Having your health care and end-of-life wishes documented and in place are important for not only your peace of mind but also for your loved ones who may be tasked with seeing your wishes are met.

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