man-listeningGood news!  You can take a hearing test over the phone.

That’s right, the National Institute of Health has provided a grant to support this easy test that you can take in the privacy of your home.

Why should you consider taking the test? Read on…

No one wants to admit they’re losing their hearing, but according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) hearing loss is a reality for more than a third of people age 65 to 74, and more than half of those over the age of 75.

These numbers make it one of the most prevalent health issues for older Americans. Only arthritis and heart disease affect more seniors. Continue reading

iStock_000013872578SmallSo someone, in his or her estate plan, has asked you to be their trustee. What does this mean? What are the responsibilities of a trustee?

A large part of the word “Trustee” is TRUST. If someone trusted you enough to choose you as the trustee of his or her property, it’s quite an honor. It’s also a big responsibility. What does a trustee do?

Maybe this is the first time you’ve ever been asked to administer a trust and you’re not sure what’s involved. If it’s a simple trust, your job could be finished in about six months, once the trust assets have been distributed to the beneficiaries. Continue reading

Grunge Stempel rot PREPAIDYou have probably heard the phrase “spend down” – something you could do to reduce your assets which would help to qualify you for Medicaid.

A prepaid funeral contract is one of those items that are considered exempt. In other words, its value won’t be counted when the Department of Social Services is reviewing your total assets.

The standard amount allowed by the the state of Connecticut for a prepaid irrevocable funeral service contract is $10,000.

iStock_000016746886Small-300x300Gifting money is a nice thing to do for a friend or family member, but—as the saying goes—no good deed goes unpunished. If you’re not careful, your gift could turn out to be subject to the federal gift tax of up to 40%.

In part one of this series, we covered the annual and lifetime exclusions as well as lifetime exclusion on the first $12.06 million of your estate. We also talked briefly about the Connecticut state gift tax—the only one in the country—and which kinds of gifts are exempt from the tax.

In this second part of the series, we’re going to look at which kinds of gifts are subject to the gift tax, including gifts to minors.

By Carmine Perri

Litigator_cartoonIf you or your loved one is in a nursing home, you need to know your rights! Once you understand what they are, you can better stand up for them.

Just as you are protected in your own home by a set of laws, residents of nursing homes are protected by a Code of Federal Regulations. The “Code” ensures that residents’ right are promoted and protected.

Unfortunately, there are times when this does not happen. And when this is the case, you need to make your voice heard.

But first, you must know your rights. Take a look below at some key resident rights that are often challenged. And let us know if you think they are being violated, we can help you. Continue reading

FeetArrowWhen you got married you hoped for the best, but unfortunately, things didn’t turn out the way you expected. Whether your divorce in Connecticut is final or you’re just beginning the process, it’s a good idea to take a hard look at your estate planning documents. Make sure they reflect your current wishes.

For example, in better times, you may have named your spouse as your power of attorney, Continue reading

AdobeStock_29742651-300x225Building and growing an independent family business is an accomplishment to be proud of. It takes an enormous amount of passion, ingenuity, and downright grit. Preserving and protecting your business also requires some effort, but it’s a task many business owners overlook or put off.

Business succession planning, like any kind of estate planning, is something that should be addressed with the help of a professional well in advance of the actual event. Unfortunately, the majority of family business owners are missing that window of opportunity. According to a 2016 survey from Pricewaterhouse Coopers, while 69% of family businesses surveyed expected the next generation to take over the business, only 23% had invested in creating a robust and well-documented business succession plan.

It’s not difficult to understand how business owners find themselves without a succession plan. It’s a complex and time-consuming process that involves addressing hard realities and tough questions. But, it’s also a task that’s well worth the investment of time and money in the long run.

marlenes-front-porch-19562-mWhat is a waiver program, and what exactly is being waived?

Connecticut provides supports to eligible individuals in community-based settings through special programs called Connecticut Medicaid waivers. What’s being waived is institutional care in a nursing home, which most individuals and families would prefer to avoid.

Fortunately for Connecticut residents, there are 10 different waiver programs in the state, administered by the Department of Social Services. These programs provide a wide range of supports for seniors and individuals with disabilities. Continue reading

Grabbing moneySo you’ve got your house in order, estate plan complete and signed, wishes documented. What are the chances of your Will being challenged?

From our experience, the chances are greater than before.

Will contests

Will contests, when one or more parties challenge a Last Will & Testament, are a direct attack in probate court against one’s estate plan.  There is a growing trend however, of attacks against estate plans that take place outside of probate court.

We’ve been seeing a marked increase in people challenging Continue reading

Wish eyes closedSo many of our clients ask this same question:

How do I find the right caregivers for my loved one?

We asked a geriatric care manager to weigh in. Here’s what she said:

“There’s a lot you need to know about hiring caregivers. You can’t always be there yourself, but trusting a stranger with your loved one can feel like playing pin the tail on the donkey.”

Way too much potential for getting it wrong.

There are plenty of horror stories in the news about unscrupulous, negligent or abusive caregivers who take advantage of frail elders.

Fortunately, there is plenty of information available to help you steer clear of trouble, whether you decide to hire your own caregivers or Continue reading

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