What You Should Know About Will Contests and Mental Capacity

judge holding eyeglasses listens to attorneys in courtContesting a Will or other transfers on the grounds that the person signing the Will lacked the capacity to do so, is both difficult and emotional. But it’s something that comes up quite frequently in our practice.

In Connecticut, there are two different standards to determine capacity:

(1) When the property is transferred upon the death of the grantor

These transfers are typically accomplished through a Will or a trust, but it can also happen through a life insurance policy, annuity or bank account beneficiary designation.

For someone’s Last Will and Testament to be valid, the person signing the Will (called the testator) had to have capacity to do so. In Connecticut, there is a presumption that the person signing a legal document has capacity. The testator needs to know who her family members are, understand the nature of her property, and understand what she was doing when signing the Will.

The testator does not have to have the ability to manage his or her finances. For example, a person who is conserved may still have the capacity to execute a Will. With that said, evidence of inability to manage one’s basic finances and care for basic personal needs are often considered by courts in support of a claim for lack of capacity.

(2) When the property is transferred while the grantor is alive

This kind of transfer is also called an inter vivos gift. The grantor must have a higher level of capacity to make such gifts.

In order to have capacity to make an inter vivos gift, the transferor must:

  • understand what they are doing;
  • understand their financial state; and
  • understand how the gift affects their ability to provide for the their own foreseeable financial needs.

What kind of evidence do you need when challenging a transfer or defending against a challenge?

Human head profile and jigsaw puzzle, cognitive psychology or psychotherapy concept, mental health, brain problem, personality disorder, vector line design,

While courts determine whether the grantor had capacity at the very day and very minute he or she signed the documents, courts will consider evidence from before and after the signing. While there is no rule specifying the time frame a court may consider, the further away you get from the execution of the document, the less weight the evidence will have.

In typical cases, evidence will include lay witness testimony and medical evidence. Lay witness testimony includes testimony of friends and family members, as well as the testimony of the drafting attorney and the witnesses. Medical evidence includes the introduction of medical records, and in some cases, testimony by an expert analyzing the medical records.

Whether you are attempting to prove or disprove capacity, it’s to your advantage to have the support and guidance of a Connecticut Will contest attorney who can help you successfully navigate the nuances of your specific situation with as little stress as possible. If you need help in this area, give us a call.

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